Well, gosh. Where have I been.
Honestly. August and September flew by. And here we are almost at the end of October. I haven't posted since July? Apparently I took a hiatus from the random thought.
I didn't mean to. I assure you it's not because I didn't have any random thoughts.
Rather, I had MANY. Astounding amounts of them.
A good thing? Of course.
Cherrywood came and went (a gift of a theatrical experience), a bikram yoga mission was completed, a move occurred, a new job has been had, and a new play rehearsed, opened, and will close this week.
Life has been beautifully full.
There are many things on my mind of course, some existential as always, some completely not. But rather than bombard all of these thoughts upon you at once, I will set up future posts as thus:
1. Perception: The tale of the fat f#%^ing bitch.
2. Mind connections and portals.
3. Gratitude and Reflection
Here I sit in my beautifully candlelit room, listening to i-tunes on shuffle. I am peaceful. And quietly content tonight.
Stay tuned.