Thursday, August 15, 2013

Purple Hair and a Tattoo.

Gosh, I want to be more of a bad-ass than I am.

Don't get me wrong, I'm a good deal bad-ass when it comes to motivation and drive and determination and stubbornness and passion and scrappiness.

But I want to be a bigger-bad ass.

I want to have streaks of purple in my wavy hair.

I want to have a tattoo on my ankle.

I want muscular defined arms that people might suppose I use for pushing scoundrels down stairwells when they piss me of.

Because its in there! Beneath this lady-like exterior, there is a bad-ass confined by societal walls.

Well, maybe it's time to be a tattoo-sporting, cray-cray B.

Dangit. Tough girls don't say "cray-cray B."

They say "One crazzzzzzzzzzzy BITCH."

I swear, beneath the pearls and polka dots and the cardigan sets, there is a swearing, foul-mouthed, sexy rule-breaker who wants to sass authority.

"I HATE AUTHORITY," she proclaimed, as set down her quiche.

                       I HATE AUTHORITY.

I mean, I don't want to be grungy.
Or smelly.
Or do drugs.

Or push people down stairwells. (Not really.)

I don't want to be mean.

Cuz I'm not mean-hearted.

But I'd like to be a little bit tougher of a lady.

A bad-ass lady.

With red lips and hot-rollered hair.

And a tattoo.

Maybe just a little one.