Monday, February 9, 2015

Advice to My Younger Self

I think I’d tell myself to stop worrying so much. To trust myself more. To keep my heart open but to keep my individuality at all costs. I’d tell myself that in ten years I would still have questions. I’d remind myself to truly live life while living it. Do not waste time being angry. Hold fewer grudges. Forgive more often. Keep moving. Drink more water. Take more chances because you will always fail at whatever you don’t try. I’d tell myself to have more dance parties and to give more hugs. I’d tell myself to ask for what I want. I’d tell myself that I deserve more than I think I do. I’d tell myself I was prettier than I thought I was. I’d tell myself that low-fat was just a craze. I’d tell myself that auto-pay would keep my debt on track.  I'd tell myself to pay more attention to coincidences, because nothing is a coincidence. I’d tell myself to stay strong. I'd tell myself to meditate and do yoga and believe in messages and that I can have everything.

On Being Invincible.

On Being Invincible.

It is not overnight that one becomes invincible.

It is after the war.

It is after you have been terrorized by your own dreams and made a prisoner by your own devices.
It is after surfacing the river from which you've been submerged.

Submerged by your own hands.
By others' hands. By the land.
By the night.
By your own bones.

Sometimes we betray ourselves.
Sometimes we save ourselves.

And it is only after we have fought ourselves and won that we are invincible.

When you've died and come back to life several times, when each blow ravages you more than you come to learn that with every are invincible.

And the strangers will shake you and your loved ones may rake you and your own heart forsakes you.

And you punch the air, grimacing, strangling the strange sensations from which your incarnation tempts fate and celebrates that

Then you will be invincible.