It would be an obscure tiny undiscovered cafe-- one with no regulars because it is too hard to find.
People might only stumble upon it once or twice in their lifetimes.
Because it keeps moving.
It is a traveling cafe.
It sets up shop by night or day and is gone the next.
It is a cafe of miraculous design.
And when those who are lucky enough happen to stumble upon the cafe and actually walk through its doors, their lives are never again the same.
Walking through its doors signifies something wondrous is about to occur.
When you sit at one of the enchanted tables, grand ideas suddenly emerge, you are present and enlightened. The answers to your deepest questions are suddenly revealed to you almost as if you always knew what you have just realized.
Your deepest sorrows will miraculously cease to cause you pain. The memories won't disappear, your soul's ability to process sorrow and learn from it only has only been heightened so you are now more equipped to understand how true sorrow can shape your spirit...
Perhaps most magical is the cafe's ability to connect strangers and loved ones. Your soul mate from a different lifetime who you never thought you'd stumble upon is now sitting at the table in front of you and you are mysteriously drawn to this individual in a way you've never experienced. Your eyes lock. Your soul mate walks over to you and draws the chair, sitting down next you. Your life will never be the same.
Your long-lost family member has just walked through the door and ordered an espresso. You have been reunited after years of searching.
Your childhood best friend is sitting across the cafe and after twenty minutes you both see each other and understand you were supposed to meet once more so that you could explore the world together, make up for lost time, have adventures, and swim in oceans in far distant lands.
The cafe knows it must keep moving, must keep changing the lives of all who walk through its doors.
And if you are so lucky to stumble upon this cafe twice in your lifetime, you will only have the faintest feeling that you have been there once before.
A warmth will fill your entire being with such mystery and happiness, that you will simply feel compelled to stop for a moment, order a cup of coffee, and wait for whatever magic might happen next.
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