Thursday, December 31, 2009

The Truths of 2009

With only a few hours left of 2009 I am struck with reflections and realizations of the past 365 days.

2009 and was an amazing year. I learned so much about myself  and gained such valuable experience that I will take with me for the rest of my life. It had its ups and downs, as all years do. But this year I experienced the highest of the highs and the lowest of the lows. Such is life....We live, we breathe, we cry, we laugh, we love, we learn, we heal, we realize....we live.

My Truths of 2009

1. I never in a million years thought I would play a stripper. I never in a million years thought that playing a stripper would change my entire opinion of myself. I grew up shy and struggled with confidence most of my childhood and well into my mid-20s. Who knew that I would come to love myself and hold myself in such high regard while playing the part of "Maddie." I love this woman with all my heart. And she is part of me now.  It wasn't just onstage, no, my new-found confidence transcended into real life. I can now look at myself and acknowledge my beauty, my soul, my strength, my power. And I only ever took off two gloves.

2. Tony 'n Tina's brought me so many dear friends and so much love. I'll always look back at this period of my life fondly.

3. It is a truth that it is okay to fall crazy madly in love. It is okay to let go and trust. It is okay to let your heart run wild. It is beautiful.  It is sad. It is lovely. It is okay to lose yourself for awhile. It is wonderful when you find yourself again.

4. Always remember who you are. Honor your independence and your individuality. Honor your soul.

5. Embrace your family. They are your lifelong friends.

6. Life is fleeting. Live it with zest. Realize every moment while you live it.

7. Just because things don't go exactly as planned doesn't mean you can't still enjoy for what it is.

And countless more, but I'm heading out the door now to celebrate!

Happy New Year, here's to 2010!



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