Wednesday, January 13, 2010

2AM musings....

1. It is more fun to drink a cocktail when there is an umbrella in it. Especially at Chinese restaurants. With a waiter named Ming. I don't know any waiters named Ming. But I bet there is a Chinese waiter named Ming somewhere and I want him to be my waiter. I feel as though I have just offended a whole slew of Chinese people, as well as waiters, as well as people named Ming. I am sorry. And also not sorry. I still want to meet a Chinese waiter named Ming who will serve me a cocktail with an umbrella in it.

2. The scale in my bathroom is 10 lbs lighter than the scale at the gym. I am not sure which one to believe, and so, I will split the difference and go with a 5 lb discrepancy so as to be fair to both.

3. I still want freckles. Desperately.

4.  Saddened no one ever bought me a chia pet this past holiday season, I think I will have to buy one for myself.

5. What does one do when faced with the ultimate brunch question 'sweet or savory?' What if you want sweet AND savory? Why must it be one or the other? Either or? It doesn't have to be! Go halfers with a friend and you're set. And always order a breakfast cocktail when you have the option to do so.

Preferable a bellini.

6. Slowly but surely kicking a caffeine habit is not pretty. The early stages are the worst.  Incandescent withdrawal symptoms include but are not limited to: headache, shakes, anger, confusion, brain fog. Alternatively, the feeling of being OFF caffeine is one of intrigue as well. Somewhat peaceful in a way.

7. I wonder about bus drivers and if they're happy. Also UPS delivery men. I have always wondered if the UPS men are happy.

8. I have a favorite spoon. I also have a favorite fork. Is it irrational to have favorite utensils?

9. My right foot is slightly larger than my left foot. This makes me very angry.

10. If you see an ugly baby, do you feel bad for thinking it's ugly or do you feel bad because, damn, that's an ugly baby.

Love to the masses.

1 comment:

lizzo said...

YES! splitting a sweet and a savory is always the answer. we would be fabulous brunch partners.