Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Random Thoughts 1.19.10

1. Woke up in middle of night to something painfully jabbing me in back. No, was not a man. Was a spoon. There is no explanation for spoon in bed. Remain confused.

2. Continue to see men, women, and children spitting multiple times a day. Continue to see loogies on sidewalk. Most current realization: it is far worse to see a loogie on street while yawning than while not yawning. Gross icky feeling ensues when mouth is open.

3. Roommate arrived back at apartment from night shift at bar just as I was getting ready to leave apartment for morning shift at hotel. We stared at each other, noting situation was just disgusting. She went to bed and I went to work. Dejavu 9 hours later as I came home from work to take nap just as she was about to leave home to start day. Repeat disgusting feeling.

4. Woman called hotel inquiring about a bottle of hot sauce left at front desk for her. Hot sauce nowhere to be seen. Decide woman is crazy.

5. Man comes down from guest room and leaves bottle of hot sauce for lady at front desk. Things now make sense. Decide they are both crazy.

6. Man checked in wearing feathered vintage 1940s hat. Reminded of childhood when I once stole feathers from crisp new mens' hats in department store. Not just one. A whole flock of feathers. Mom and Dad found said feathers in car when we got home. They were not pleased. My alibi: Gem and the Holograms made me do it. Gem wanted the feathers. I cried. I was maybe less than 5 years old. Mom and Dad did not turn me in. That is when my life of crime began.

7. Young children with bright posters lit up Clark street yesterday morning raising money for Haiti. Their spirit gives us hope.

8. Graffiti word of the day: HEAR

    Where seen: Wall of red line train written in black in between the red line stops.

    Up for interpretation: Listen to what people are actually saying. Really listen. Indulge. Engage.

                                             You might hear something unspoken.

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